Search Results

The following search criteria is in effect.

  • Contaminant :: Lead
  • Region :: Nevada
  • Region :: Idaho
We found 23 funding programs that match your search criteria.

AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants (CFDA No. 94.006)

Corporation for National and Community Service

Grants and AmeriCorps service members offered to tribes and tribal organizations to support community-focused housing and health projects.

Clean Air Act 103 Grants

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Grants offered to tribes through the Clean Air Act for the control and prevention of air pollution, both ambient and indoor.

Clean Air Act 105 Grants

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Grants offered to tribes through the Clean Air Act for the implementation of programs meant to control air pollution, both ambient and indoor.

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Economic Adjustment Assistance Program (EAA)

US Economic Development Administration (EDA)

Provides a wide range of technical, planning, and public works and infrastructure assistance in regions experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or overtime.

Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Grant

US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native Americans

Grants for tribes to improve capacity to enforce and monitor compliance with environmental regulations.

Healthy Homes Production Grant Program for Tribal Housing

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Grant allows tribes to conduct healthy homes retrofits on existing homes.

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Housing Improvement Program

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Grant for low-income tribal residents to repair, renovate, and replace their housing.

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Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG)

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Grant for housing remediation and economic development in native communities. 

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Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Imminent Threat Funding

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Imminent Threat grants are intended to alleviate or remove imminent threats towards health or safety.

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Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (IGAP)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Grants meant to assist tribes in implementing their own environmental protection agencies.

Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG)

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Non-competitive grants used to fund a range of tribal affordable housing activities.

Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Competitive Program

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

HUD offers competitive awards to tribes and TDHEs for housing construction and rehabilitation projects. 

Lead and Healthy Homes Technical Studies Programs

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Grants available for researching housing-related health hazards.

Lead Hazard Reduction Grant

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Grants available for funding lead hazard control efforts.

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Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Maximize the number of children under the age of six years protected from lead poisoning by assisting states, cities, counties/parishes, Native American Tribes or other units of local government in undertaking comprehensive programs to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately-owned target housing.

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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

US Department of Health And Human Services

Assists eligible low-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs, bill payment assistance, energy crisis assistance, weatherization and energy-related home repairs.

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Native American Direct Loan (NADL)

US Department of Veterans Affairs

VA provides direct home loans to eligible Native American Veterans to finance the purchase, construction, or improvement of homes on Federal Trust Land, or to refinance a prior NADL to reduce the interest rate.

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Section 502 Direct Loan Program

US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)

Loans for low-income residents to fund housing repair and purchasing a new home.

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Section 504 Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants

US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)

Loans for very-low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.

Social and Economic Development Strategies

US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native Americans

Grants for tribes and tribal organizations funding community-focused environmental health projects.

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Title VI Loan Guarantee Program

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Loans for IHBG borrowers to fund additional construction or repair efforts.

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Tribal Colleges Research Grants Program

US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)

Collaborative grants for tribal colleges and universities to research environmental challenges impacting agricultural communities. 

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Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

Department of Energy

Grants for residents to make energy efficiency improvements and address health hazards within the home.

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The Tribal Healthy Homes Network