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Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG)

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Grant for housing remediation and economic development in native communities. 

About the Award:

The ICDBG Program provides eligible grantees with direct grants for use in developing viable Indian and Alaska Native Communities, including decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunities, primarily for low- and moderate-income persons. This funding can be used for housing rehabilitation, land acquisition, and housing construction.

Example Eligible IAQ Activities:

Weatherization, Replacing Heat Source, Ventilation, Energy Efficiency, Infrastructure Repairs, Housing Development, Rehabilitation

Funding Details:

  • Grant awards vary by ONAP region
  • Total FY 2019 Funding: $65,000,000
  • Expected Number of Awards: 75
  • Minimum Grant: $500,000 per project period
  • Maximum Grant: $4,000,000 per project period
Award Type:

Program Highlights:

In 2017, the Wrangell Cooperative Association and Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority collaborated to improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality in 20 homes and reduce energy costs for residents. [source]

Typical Application Period: Typically February to March

last modified: 2019-11-24 15:14:20