About the Directory
The Tribal Indoor Air Funding Directory is an initiative of the Tribal Healthy Homes Network (THHN). THHN is an EPA-funded, tribally-led network established in 2009. Based in the Pacific Northwest, THHN provides education, outreach, training and tribally-led research with and for tribes nationally, to reduce the health risks associated with indoor air hazards.
The 2019 Funding Directory was developed in response to requests from tribes who vocalized that current, accessible and centralized information on indoor air quality funding was an unmet need and priority issue. In response, THHN began with its original document (the 2017 Tribal Guide to IAQ Funding) and worked with staff, interns and partners to expand, update and digitize the database.
THHN began this initiative by obtaining input from 44 tribes who responded to a national survey, detailing their specific needs and priorities. THHN also collaborated with Tribal Air staff from EPA Region X, with interns from the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, staff from the Tulalip Tribes and members of the National Tribal Air Association’s Indoor Air Workgroup. In addition, the majority of the federal, state and local agencies listed in this Directory were interviewed directly to obtain accurate and current information about their grant and loan programs.

This web site, which includes the Directory as an interactive database, was a truly collaborative effort. We wish to explicitly thank our Tribal Review Panel, who participated in our Quality Assurance and Beta Testing process. We also with to recognize our web developer, whose programming skills greatly increased the usability of this Directory.
Finally, it is THHN’s intent to maintain the Directory as a living document. As new grants, loans and tribal case studies become available, they will be uploaded by our team. We also invite your tribe or agency to share any new information with us, including programs you would like to have us highlight. (The “Contact” tab is at the top right of your screen and will link you to our staff.)
Thank You!
The Tribal Healthy Homes Network