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Indian Community Development Block Grant

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Provide eligible grantees with direct grants for use in developing viable Indian and Alaska Native Communities, including decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunities, primarily for low- and moderate-income persons.

About the Award:

The ICDBG Program provides eligible grantees with direct grants for use in developing viable Indian and Alaska Native Communities, including decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunities, primarily for low- and moderate-income persons.

Example Eligible IAQ Activities:

Funding Details:

Projects funding by the ICDBG program must principally benefit low-and-moderate-income persons (24 CFR 1003.208). Eligible applicants for assistance include any Indian tribe, band, group, or nation(including Alaska Indians, Aleut, and Eskimos) or Alaska Native village which has established a relationship to the Federal government as defined in the program regulations. In certain instances, tribal organizations may be eligible to apply.

The program regulations provide for two categories of grants, Single Purpose and Imminent Threat:

  • Single purpose grants are awarded on a competition basis pursuant to the terms published in an annual Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
  • The Secretary of HUD may set aside 5% of each year's allocation for the noncompetitive, first come-first served, funding of grants to eliminate or lessen problems which pose an imminent threat to public health or safety of tribal residents. Application procedures available at 2018-04: Imminent Threat Grants (Supersedes Guidance 2017-01) Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Imminent Threat (IT) program.

Award Type:


last modified: 2021-01-24 15:34:20