This could be because the program has been set to ‘unpublished’ or the program’s future is in question.
Funding Agency:
Monterey Bay Air Resources District
The mission of the Monterey Bay Air Resources District is to Protect Public and Environmental Health while balancing Economic and Air Quality Considerations.
The District is responsible for air monitoring, permitting, enforcement, long-range air quality planning, regulatory development, education and public information activities related to air pollution, as required by the California Clean Air Act and Amendments (HSC Section 40910 et seq.) and the Federal Clean Air Act and Amendments (42 U.S.C. Section 7401 et seq.).
California Health and Safety Code Sections 39002, et seq. and 40000, et seq. require local districts to be the primary enforcement mechanism for air pollution control. Districts must have rules and regulations for the implementation and enforcement for the attainment and maintenance of federal and state ambient air standards.