Search Results

The following search criteria is in effect.

  • Eligibility :: Non-Profit
  • Region :: Nevada County
  • Region :: Oregon
We found 10 funding programs that match your search criteria.

533 Housing Preservation Grant

US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)

Grant intended to make repairs to homes of low-income residents in rural areas.

AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants (CFDA No. 94.006)

Corporation for National and Community Service

Grants and AmeriCorps service members offered to tribes and tribal organizations to support community-focused housing and health projects.

Available Now

Community Air Grant

California Air Resources Board

Grants for California tribes to improve capacity to reduce air pollution and exposure to harmful emissions.

Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Grant

US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native Americans

Grants for tribes to improve capacity to enforce and monitor compliance with environmental regulations.

Healthy Homes Production Grant Program for Tribal Housing

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Grant allows tribes to conduct healthy homes retrofits on existing homes.

Lead and Healthy Homes Technical Studies Programs

US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)

Grants available for researching housing-related health hazards.

Rural Community Development Initiative Grants (RCDI)

US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)

Grants for organizations and tribal governments to support housing and community development subgrantees in rural areas.

Social and Economic Development Strategies

US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native Americans

Grants for tribes and tribal organizations funding community-focused environmental health projects.

Available Now

Technical Assistance from the Office of Indian Energy

Department of Energy

This office provides free technical assistance for tribes or tribal organizations pursuing energy efficiency projects.

Available Now

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

Department of Energy

Grants for residents to make energy efficiency improvements and address health hazards within the home.

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The Tribal Healthy Homes Network