Search Results

The following search criteria is in effect.

  • Activity Type :: Repair, Remediate, or Mitigate
  • Eligibility :: Federally-Recognized Indian Tribe
  • Eligibility :: Non-Federally Recognized Indian Tribes
  • Eligibility :: Tribal Housing Authority/TDHE
  • Contaminant :: Mold and Moisture
  • Contaminant :: Ventilation
  • Contaminant :: Home Heating or Cooling
  • Region :: California
  • Region :: King County
We found 2 funding programs that match your search criteria.
Available Now

Economic Adjustment Assistance Program (EAA)

US Economic Development Administration (EDA)

Provides a wide range of technical, planning, and public works and infrastructure assistance in regions experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or overtime.

About the Award:

The EAA program provides a wide range of technical, planning, and public works and infrastructure assistance in regions experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or overtime. These adverse economic impacts may result from a steep decline in manufacturing employment following a plant closure, changing trade patterns, catastrophic natural disaster, a military base closure, or environmental changes and regulations.

The CARES Act provides $1.5 billion in disaster economic recovery for the EAA program. Eligible activities include construction and nonconstruction activities (e.g., infrastructure, design and engineering, and technical assistance).

Example Eligible IAQ Activities:

Heat Source Replacement, Insulation, Water Disposal Systems, HVAC Upgrades

Funding Details:

The EAA program can assist state and local entities in responding to a wide range of economic challenges through:

  • Strategy Grants to support the development, updating or refinement of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).
  • Implementation Grants to support the execution of activities identified in a CEDS, such as infrastructure improvements, including site acquisition, site preparation, construction, rehabilitation and equipping of facilities. Specific activities may be funded as separate investments or as multiple elements of a single investment
Award Type:

Program Highlights:

The EAA program is EDA’s most flexible program. Under the EAA program, EDA can fund market and environmental studies, planning or construction grants, and capitalize or recapitalize revolving loan funds (RLFs) to help provide small businesses with the capital they need to grow.


The Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) is available at To discuss any project proposals in further detail, contact your EDA Regional Office.

last modified: 2021-01-24 15:56:30

Social and Economic Development Strategies

US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native Americans

Grants for tribes and tribal organizations funding community-focused environmental health projects.

About the Award:

The SEDS program is designed to support community-based projects that increase the ability for Native Americans to define and achieve their own economic and social goals and/or the capacity to exercise local control and decision-making to promote the interests of community members. Projects that promote improved access to care through coordinated local and regional approaches and through supporting environmental health are eligible for this grant funding. Applicants can propose projects on 12, 24 and 36-month scales.

Example Eligible IAQ Activities:

Community Outreach, minor renovations, HEPA filters

Funding Details:

  • Total FY 2019 Funding: $8,400,907
  • 2019 Number of Awards: 25
  • 2019 Minimum Grant: $100,000 Per Budget Period
  • 2019 Maximum Grant: $400,000 Per Budget Period
  • 2019 Average Grant: $280,000 Per Budget Period
Award Type:

Program Highlights:

From 2009-2012, the Confederated Tribes Of Siletz Indians used $340,069 in grant funding to establish the Siletz Tribal Energy Program (STEP). This program was developed with the mission of addressing tribal energy-related challenges and coordinating energy efficiency work across Tribal agencies. Using grant funding, STEP established new building codes, organized Healthy Homes trainings for staff, and conducted outreach and energy audits in a number of households. [Source]

Typical Application Period: Typically January to April. Application periods may vary in future years.


Alaska Native Villages have a separate application portal. Those interested in applying for this program should first check out ANA's Applicant Training & Technical Assistance portal.


last modified: 2019-09-11 10:24:57

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The Tribal Healthy Homes Network