Search Results
The following search criteria is in effect.
- Activity Type :: Technical Assistance
- Region :: New York
We found 8 funding programs that match your search criteria.
AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants (CFDA No. 94.006)
Corporation for National and Community Service
Eligible Applicants:
Federally-Recognized Indian Tribe
Alaska Native Village
Tribal Housing Authority/TDHE
About the Award:
This grant offers an AmeriCorps member and operating funds for projects focused on one of these priority areas: Disaster Services, Economic Opportunity, Education, Healthy Futures, Veterans and Military Families. Applicants interested in using this grant to support indoor air work must demonstrate the project's applicability to the Healthy Futures and Economic Opportunities priority areas.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Ventilation, Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Community Outreach, Training
Funding Details:
Grants can take the form of a cost-reimbursement or a Fixed Amount, but the availability of a Full-Time Fixed Amount grant is limited. Maximum funding for FY 2019 was $15,192, for both reimbursement and fixed amount grants.
Program Highlights:
Chinle Chapter Government in 2017 used this grant to provide minor home improvements, weatherization, and construction.
Typical Application Period: For 2019, February - May
last modified: 2019-09-11 10:26:03
Clean Air Act 103 Grants
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
About the Award:
This section of the Clean Air Act requires that funding be distributed to groups aiming to study or investigate the causes and prevention of air pollution. Funding has been used for community education and outreach, monitoring studies, training, home assessments and research on health impacts of air quality issues.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Community Outreach and Education, Training, Asthma Home Visits, Energy Audits, Partnership Building, and Pilots Projects
Funding Details:
- Funding Details dependent on Region.
- For Region 10:
- Total FY 2019 Tribal CAA Funding: ~$2,400,000
- Minimum Grant: ~$25,000
- Maximum Grant: ~$250,000
Award Type:
Program Highlights:
The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) uses funds from CAA 103 to support its annual Air Quality subaward program. In 2018, the Native Village of Nuiqsut used ANTHC's subaward funds to place CO detectors in community households and collect data on peak exposure levels. [source]
Typical Application Period: Dependent on Region
Dependent on Region - Check with local contact
last modified: 2019-09-11 09:56:10
Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Grant
US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native Americans
About the Award:
The ERE program provides funding for the costs of planning, developing, and implementing programs designed to improve the capability of tribal governing bodies to regulate environmental quality pursuant to federal and tribal environmental laws. Applicants may propose projects with project periods consisting of either 12, 24, or 36 months.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Indoor air monitoring, Healthy Homes training, Community Outreach
Funding Details:
- Total FY 2019 Tribal Funding: $1,021,545
- 2019 Expected Number of Awards: 4
- 2019 Award Ceiling: $300,000 per budget period
- 2019 Award Floor: $100,000 per budget period
- 2019 Average Expected Award: $182,000 per budget period
Award Type:
Typical Application Period: January to April; 2019 Date: 4/15/2019. Application periods may vary year to year.
Those interested in this grant should first check out ANA's Applicant Training & Technical Assistance portal.
last modified: 2019-09-11 10:07:00
Available Now
Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (IGAP)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Eligible Applicants:
Federally-Recognized Indian Tribe
Alaska Native Village
About the Award:
The goal of GAP is to assist tribes and intertribal consortia in developing the capacity to manage their own environmental protection programs and to develop and implement solid and hazardous waste programs in accordance with individual tribal needs and applicable federal laws and regulations.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Healthy Homes Training, Monitoring, Education/Outreach, Partnership Building, Home assessments
Funding Details:
- Total FY 2019 Funding: Regionally Dependent
- Expected Number of Awards: Dependent on Region
- Minimum Grant: $75,000
- Maximum Grant: ~$128,000
- Requests for more than $128,000 will be considered if
needs are sufficiently justified and funding is available.
Award Type:
Program Highlights:
In 2017, the Hoonah Indian Association funded an indoor air quality assessment project through IGAP. They measured PM2.5 and CO levels in 65 homes. Through this study, they found that homes with wood stoves older than 20 years had higher PM2.5 levels than homes with younger wood stoves. They also identified a need for ventilation and weatherization improvements. [source]
Typical Application Period: Dependent on Region
Work plan templates available for Air Quality-Related GAP work and Climate Change GAP work.
Dependent on Region - Check local contact
last modified: 2019-09-11 09:56:30
Rural Community Development Initiative Grants (RCDI)
US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)
About the Award:
RCDI grants are awarded to qualified intermediary organizations, including nonprofits and federally recognized tribes, that will provide financial and technical assistance to recipients to develop their capacity and ability to undertake projects related to housing, community facilities, or community and economic development that will support the community. Applicants are required to match funds equal to grant rewarded, and in-kind contributions may not be used as matching funds. This grant cannot be used for direct construction or remediation.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Training, Technical Assistance, Education, Energy Audit Training
Funding Details:
- Total FY 2019 Funding: $6,000,000
- Estimated Number of Awards: 34
- Minimum Grant: $50,000
- Maximum Grant: $250,000
Award Type:
Contaminants covered:
Typical Application Period: Application dates announced upon release of NOSA via Federal Register. For 2019, Applications accepted from March to June, though application periods vary year to year.
Dependent on Region - Contact your local Rural Development Office
last modified: 2019-09-09 12:06:16
Available Now
Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Energy Audit & Renewable Energy Development Assistance
US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)
Grants and loans for agricultural producers and small businesses to conduct and promote energy audits, and provide renewable energy development assistance.
About the Award:
This grant is intended to aid with the establishment of a program that assists agricultural producers and rural small businesses with evaluating energy efficiency and the potential to incorporate renewable energy technologies into their operations. This can include energy efficiency audits and renewable energy technical assistance. This program is intended to serve commercial and industrial entities, not residential buildings.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Energy Audits, Technical Assistance
Funding Details:
- 4% of all Rural Energy for America Programs annual funding is distributed to this program.
- Total Program funding is approximately $50 million with an estimated 1,000 awards.
- Maximum grant total cannot exceed $100,000
Award Type:
Contaminants covered:
Typical Application Period: Rolling
Agricultural producers or small businesses that receive energy audits through this program must pay at least 25% of the cost of the energy audit. Rural utility providers are only eligible if they are considered electrical cooperatives or tribal entities.
Dependent on Region - Contact your State Energy Coordinator
last modified: 2019-09-06 11:40:12
Available Now
Technical Assistance from the Office of Indian Energy
Department of Energy
This office provides free technical assistance for tribes or tribal organizations pursuing energy efficiency projects.
Eligible Applicants:
Federally-Recognized Indian Tribe
Alaska Native Village
Tribal Housing Authority/TDHE
About the Award:
This resource doesn't offer a reward, but rather offers tribes technical assistance on tribal energy projects. This office provides tribes with three types of technical assistance: Technical Analysis, Financial Analysis, and Strategic Energy Planning. Technical Experts from DOE are available to provide up to 40 hours of support per project.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Energy Efficiency, Weatherization
Award Type:
Technical Assistance
Contaminants covered:
last modified: 2019-09-06 11:47:52
Available Now
Title VI Loan Guarantee Program
US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)
Eligible Applicants:
Federally-Recognized Indian Tribe
Tribal Housing Authority/TDHE
About the Award:
The purpose of the Title VI loan guarantee is to assist IHBG recipients (borrowers) who want to finance additional grant-eligible construction or development at today’s costs. This can be used to create new housing, rehabilitate housing, build infrastructure, construct community facilities, and acquire community land for housing, among other activities.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Development, Rehabilitation, Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Ventilation
Funding Details:
- Tribes use IHBG funds to leverage additional funds for larger projects
- The maximum guarantee amount that a tribe/TDHE can borrow is approximately five times the need portion.
- Tribes can stretch loan payments to up to 20 years.
Award Type:
Program Highlights:
Tagiugmiullu Nunamiullu Housing Authority (TNHA) used a loan for $6,672,170 to develop 24 affordable houses designed to maximize energy efficiency in this permanently cold climate. [source]
Typical Application Period: Rolling
last modified: 2019-09-17 07:17:41
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The Tribal Healthy Homes Network
AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Grants (CFDA No. 94.006)
Corporation for National and Community Service
About the Award:
This grant offers an AmeriCorps member and operating funds for projects focused on one of these priority areas: Disaster Services, Economic Opportunity, Education, Healthy Futures, Veterans and Military Families. Applicants interested in using this grant to support indoor air work must demonstrate the project's applicability to the Healthy Futures and Economic Opportunities priority areas.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Ventilation, Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Community Outreach, Training
Funding Details:
Grants can take the form of a cost-reimbursement or a Fixed Amount, but the availability of a Full-Time Fixed Amount grant is limited. Maximum funding for FY 2019 was $15,192, for both reimbursement and fixed amount grants.
Program Highlights:
Chinle Chapter Government in 2017 used this grant to provide minor home improvements, weatherization, and construction.
Typical Application Period: For 2019, February - May
Clean Air Act 103 Grants
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
About the Award:
This section of the Clean Air Act requires that funding be distributed to groups aiming to study or investigate the causes and prevention of air pollution. Funding has been used for community education and outreach, monitoring studies, training, home assessments and research on health impacts of air quality issues.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Community Outreach and Education, Training, Asthma Home Visits, Energy Audits, Partnership Building, and Pilots Projects
Funding Details:
- Funding Details dependent on Region.
- For Region 10:
- Total FY 2019 Tribal CAA Funding: ~$2,400,000
- Minimum Grant: ~$25,000
- Maximum Grant: ~$250,000
Program Highlights:
The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) uses funds from CAA 103 to support its annual Air Quality subaward program. In 2018, the Native Village of Nuiqsut used ANTHC's subaward funds to place CO detectors in community households and collect data on peak exposure levels. [source]
Typical Application Period: Dependent on Region
Dependent on Region - Check with local contact
Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Grant
US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Native Americans
About the Award:
The ERE program provides funding for the costs of planning, developing, and implementing programs designed to improve the capability of tribal governing bodies to regulate environmental quality pursuant to federal and tribal environmental laws. Applicants may propose projects with project periods consisting of either 12, 24, or 36 months.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Indoor air monitoring, Healthy Homes training, Community Outreach
Funding Details:
- Total FY 2019 Tribal Funding: $1,021,545
- 2019 Expected Number of Awards: 4
- 2019 Award Ceiling: $300,000 per budget period
- 2019 Award Floor: $100,000 per budget period
- 2019 Average Expected Award: $182,000 per budget period
Typical Application Period: January to April; 2019 Date: 4/15/2019. Application periods may vary year to year.
Those interested in this grant should first check out ANA's Applicant Training & Technical Assistance portal.
Indian Environmental General Assistance Program (IGAP)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
About the Award:
The goal of GAP is to assist tribes and intertribal consortia in developing the capacity to manage their own environmental protection programs and to develop and implement solid and hazardous waste programs in accordance with individual tribal needs and applicable federal laws and regulations.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Healthy Homes Training, Monitoring, Education/Outreach, Partnership Building, Home assessments
Funding Details:
- Total FY 2019 Funding: Regionally Dependent
- Expected Number of Awards: Dependent on Region
- Minimum Grant: $75,000
- Maximum Grant: ~$128,000
- Requests for more than $128,000 will be considered if
needs are sufficiently justified and funding is available.
- Requests for more than $128,000 will be considered if
Program Highlights:
In 2017, the Hoonah Indian Association funded an indoor air quality assessment project through IGAP. They measured PM2.5 and CO levels in 65 homes. Through this study, they found that homes with wood stoves older than 20 years had higher PM2.5 levels than homes with younger wood stoves. They also identified a need for ventilation and weatherization improvements. [source]
Typical Application Period: Dependent on Region
Work plan templates available for Air Quality-Related GAP work and Climate Change GAP work.
Dependent on Region - Check local contact
Rural Community Development Initiative Grants (RCDI)
US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)
About the Award:
RCDI grants are awarded to qualified intermediary organizations, including nonprofits and federally recognized tribes, that will provide financial and technical assistance to recipients to develop their capacity and ability to undertake projects related to housing, community facilities, or community and economic development that will support the community. Applicants are required to match funds equal to grant rewarded, and in-kind contributions may not be used as matching funds. This grant cannot be used for direct construction or remediation.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Training, Technical Assistance, Education, Energy Audit Training
Funding Details:
- Total FY 2019 Funding: $6,000,000
- Estimated Number of Awards: 34
- Minimum Grant: $50,000
- Maximum Grant: $250,000
Typical Application Period: Application dates announced upon release of NOSA via Federal Register. For 2019, Applications accepted from March to June, though application periods vary year to year.
Dependent on Region - Contact your local Rural Development Office
Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Energy Audit & Renewable Energy Development Assistance
US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)
Grants and loans for agricultural producers and small businesses to conduct and promote energy audits, and provide renewable energy development assistance.
About the Award:
This grant is intended to aid with the establishment of a program that assists agricultural producers and rural small businesses with evaluating energy efficiency and the potential to incorporate renewable energy technologies into their operations. This can include energy efficiency audits and renewable energy technical assistance. This program is intended to serve commercial and industrial entities, not residential buildings.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Energy Audits, Technical Assistance
Funding Details:
- 4% of all Rural Energy for America Programs annual funding is distributed to this program.
- Total Program funding is approximately $50 million with an estimated 1,000 awards.
- Maximum grant total cannot exceed $100,000
Typical Application Period: Rolling
Agricultural producers or small businesses that receive energy audits through this program must pay at least 25% of the cost of the energy audit. Rural utility providers are only eligible if they are considered electrical cooperatives or tribal entities.
Dependent on Region - Contact your State Energy Coordinator
Technical Assistance from the Office of Indian Energy
Department of Energy
This office provides free technical assistance for tribes or tribal organizations pursuing energy efficiency projects.
About the Award:
This resource doesn't offer a reward, but rather offers tribes technical assistance on tribal energy projects. This office provides tribes with three types of technical assistance: Technical Analysis, Financial Analysis, and Strategic Energy Planning. Technical Experts from DOE are available to provide up to 40 hours of support per project.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Energy Efficiency, Weatherization
Technical Assistance
Title VI Loan Guarantee Program
US Department Of Housing And Urban Development (HUD)
About the Award:
The purpose of the Title VI loan guarantee is to assist IHBG recipients (borrowers) who want to finance additional grant-eligible construction or development at today’s costs. This can be used to create new housing, rehabilitate housing, build infrastructure, construct community facilities, and acquire community land for housing, among other activities.
Example Eligible IAQ Activities:
Development, Rehabilitation, Energy Efficiency, Weatherization, Ventilation
Funding Details:
- Tribes use IHBG funds to leverage additional funds for larger projects
- The maximum guarantee amount that a tribe/TDHE can borrow is approximately five times the need portion.
- Tribes can stretch loan payments to up to 20 years.
Program Highlights:
Tagiugmiullu Nunamiullu Housing Authority (TNHA) used a loan for $6,672,170 to develop 24 affordable houses designed to maximize energy efficiency in this permanently cold climate. [source]
Typical Application Period: Rolling
Welcome in to the Beta Test Site!
We encourage you to explore, try out the search tools and give us feedback on your experience.
Because we are still adding finishing touches, please do not yet share this within your networks. Thank you for being one of our testers – we appreciate your feedback!
The Tribal Healthy Homes Network